Are these your doubts about installing Solar Power?

Why not every house already installed Solar Power if it really can get ROI?

The maintenance fee will be more expensive compared to if you buy electricity from TNB.

It is just not for people in Malaysia yet. Our TNB electricity tariff is still cheaper…

It costs at least RM30k to RM50k. Not economically feasible.

And many more….

When Henry Ford wanted to commercialize or make cars affordable to most people. Everyone is full of doubt about it.

Today, most Malaysian who make RM3K or above in a month probably consider buying a car.

We need to have a car to go to work. 

The public transport in Malaysia is horrible, we can’t do work without a car. 

Although Grab is very convenient now, and likely costs you less (if you count the insurance, road tax, tyre, repayment etc).

Yes, we all know this. But we still need a car…

What is the ROI of buying a car? Unless you do Grab etc, else you would only have depreciation and interest from it. Aren’t we??

A car costs you at least a few thousands in a year. Tyre, road tax, insurance, fuel, schedule and unschedule maintenance etc etc..

On the contrary, the Solar Power system generates “Solar Energy” for you. And the value of “Solar Energy” generated is higher if you’re a medium or high usage consumer. 

For instance, If you use >1,000kWh in a month, the “Solar Energy” value is RM0.571 per unit.

Would be more if TNB increased the tariff..

You shouldn't have doubt that if you can breakeven or achieve ROI investing in the Solar Power system…

And the lifespan of the system is much longer than the time you take for breakeven.

Solar Power systems do not have any moving parts, unlike your car where the engine has thousands of moving parts… 

How would  it cost you much in maintenance and wear & tear?

Also, the system is Grid-tied Solar System. Which means you won’t need to have batteries. Hence, the maintenance cost is very minimal.

Certainly less than your car maintenance fee in a year (for residential Solar Power system)..

It is expensive?! Actually, it depends on how big a system you’re going to install. 

There are many Solar Service Providers offering systems as small as 4.3kWp which cost you below RM20k.

Let’s do some simple math! A 4.3kWp system can generate about 123,700kWh in a 25 years lifespan.

IF it costs you RM20k, each unit of Solar Energy is about RM0.162 per kWh.. Even if you factor in the maintenance cost etc, it is still lower than TNB tariff for medium or high electricity consumption users.

Why didn't everyone already install it? Actually not really. The NEM3.0 300MW quota for commercial and industrial launched by the Government finished in just two months.

Another 300MW quota launched in November last year is also running quickly. 

In fact, the commercial and Industrial tariff is between RM0.30/kWh to RM0.50/kWh, much lower than the highest tier of residential tariff (RM0.571)...

Most residential electricity usage is low, hence the Solar Power system is not for them yet. Which is why we didn't see every house have a Solar Panel on their roof.

But for sure, Solar can’t achieve ROI, Maintenance cost is high, TNB tariff is cheaper etc are not supported by facts…

If you are a medium or high usage users, it is worth you do your math..
