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How much is the minimum TNB bill that makes it worth installing a Solar PV System?!

Many people are wondering if it is worth installing Solar PV system to generate their own electricity if their monthly TNB bill is RM500 or RM800 or RM1,000 or higher.... Actually it is very much depend on your pattern of consumption or load profile. If your usage is daytime focus, Solar PV system will help you save more. Because at the end of the day, what you pay to TNB is  [kWh import x tariff rate] - [kWh export x tariff rate]. Please note each kWh import you need to pay also ICPT, 1.6% KWTBB..  Thus, it saves more if you use the Solar Energy straight away instead of using it to offset your TNB bill. Since, most of the residential usages are night time focus, hence we run the analysis on this basis. In our analysis, we are comparing the PV system ROI of monthly TNB bill RM200, and RM300.. We use PVsyst to simulate the Solar energy generation for PV system size suitable for RM300 and RM200 bill usage. Also, we use a night time focus consumption load profile in PVsyst to det...

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